Dear Friends, It is hard to believe it is already March! This year is already passing so fast. Spring is here and we at the center are so thankful. With spring comes warmer temperatures, flowers will start to emerge from the ground, more sunshine, and new life all the way around. Speaking of new life, we will begin to take the battlewagon out this month. First stop, Hope Campus! We will be parked there every Tuesday from 10am-1pm. We have several other places that we plan to make part of our routine schedule and we will keep you posted on those days and times.
Please be in prayer for us as we make decisions on where to park with the population that we are trying to reach. Pray for safety and for our words to be led by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost and save mommas and babies.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 The Walk For Life is just around the corner. We are in high gear with preparations. This will be an in-person event and will take place at Creekmore Park on May 8th. The kickoff is March 16th at 6:30pm at Central Christian Church. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. Please be thinking about your team and who will be walking with you. There is a link on our website to sign up. This year the walk will be centered around the battlewagon. While at the kickoff, you will be able to tour the bus and really catch the vision of what our plans are for the community, which is being the hands and feet of Jesus. We hope to see you there!
With the new administration of our nation, I have had a heavy heart. Especially with the view on abortion. New executive orders are being signed and bills are trying to be passed at an expedited rate. When I heard what Texas was doing with pro-life sanctuary cities, I knew that we could do that too. March 2nd, I went before the Fort Smith City Council and proposed that Fort Smith become a pro-life sanctuary city. Let’s just say that it was not well received by the council. I need your help. Please send letters and email them as much as you can. My end goal with this is to make abortion illegal in our city. We may not overturn Roe vs. Wade, but we can protect our community from ever having an abortion clinic. We know that the Lord detests the shedding of innocent blood. Prov 6:16-19.

God is always faithful to fulfill His mission, and He uses us! Even during these uncertain times in our country, God has given us so many opportunities to pour His love into this community. Thank you for jumping on board with us, supporting our mission to uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to birth and beyond; sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, offering knowledge, medical services and support.
Christie Robertson Executive Director