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January Update

Dear Friends, As we reflect on 2020, I am sure some of us would like to forget the entire year. With that said many good things have happened for the center. We financially had the best Walk for Life and banquet in the history of the ministry. We are going mobile. We ministered to more women and men than ever before and babies were saved! The Lord proved time and time again that He can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ask or imagine. (Eph 3:20) Looking forward to 2021, even though things still seem very uncertain, we have very specific goals and they all include making the kingdom crowded. We are praying for increase in many areas including salvations, relationships with church and community, number of clients seen, and favor from the Lord with finances and supplies needed for clients. We would also like a bigger presence in the schools once the restrictions of the virus lift. We hope that you guys enjoyed your calendars! (If you haven’t yet gotten yours, just let us know.) Please notice that there are prayer requests for each month. It takes all of you to keep us going, and that includes prayer! Where two or more are gathered in My name, I am among them. Matthew 18:20 One of my favorite stories to end 2020 was a girl that came in seeking an abortion. We told her about the abortion pill reversal as she was set on having the procedure. The day after she took her abortion pill she called us and we were able to reverse it!! The baby and momma are doing great! Thank you for all of your support throughout this past year. If only one life was saved, it was all worth it! For Jesus did not come to judge the world, but to save it. John 3:17

Update on the Battlewagon –We hope to have her this month, ready to hit the streets! Ribbon cutting is set for March 10, 2021 at 11:00a.m. Please join us in welcoming her to the family! You will be able to get a personal tour and we will have cookies and drinks for all who attend.

Christie Robertson Executive Director


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